The Astrakhan Region
The Astrakhan Region

The Astrakhan Region is a multicultural region with the access to 5 seas through the Volga River.

It is located in the Volga Delta at the crossroads of ancient trade routes, connecting Europe and Asia via the shortest route, opening the way to the countries of the Caspian Sea and the Indian Ocean as the point of the Great Silk Road northern branch.


The International North-South Transport Corridor is a 7200 km multimodal route crossing Russia, Iran, and India.

It allows a 2 times faster (starting from 17 days) and 30 % cheaper container transportation* and is considered as an alternative route to the Suez Canal.

* According to preliminary estimates
SEZ Lotus
ОЭЗ ППТ «Лотос»

Special Economic Zone LOTUS

Type: Industrial-production
Location: the Narimanov District
Area: 993,2 hectares
Industries: shipbuilding, chemical industry, light industry, etc.
Port SEZ
Портовая ОЭЗ «Оля»

Port Special Economic Zone

Location: the Liman District
Area: 725,8 hectares
Industries: port, logistics, related activities

The Caspian Cluster of Special Economic Zones

Latest News

A Tenant of SEZ Lotus Expands the Sales Geography of Feed for Industrial Aquaculture

A Tenant of SEZ Lotus Expands the Sales Geography of Feed for Industrial Aquaculture

In 2024, Rybniye Korma JSC, the tenant of SEZ Lotus, sold 3.7 thousand tons of products. The enterprise produces feed under the brand “F3 – Healthy Growth Formula” for producers of trout and sturgeon fish species.

A State Border Checkpoint Has Been Set Up in the Port SEZ

A State Border Checkpoint Has Been Set Up in the Port SEZ

The project is implemented by the anchor tenant of the Port SEZ – PLC Caspiy LLC within the framework of the first phase of construction of a container terminal on the territory of the 8th and 9th berths of the Olya Seaport.

A Complex Producing Spare Parts for Specialized Vehicles to Be Built in SEZ Lotus

A Complex Producing Spare Parts for Specialized Vehicles to Be Built in SEZ Lotus

Today, a signing ceremony for an agreement on industrial and production activities in Special Economic Zone Lotus between the Government of the Astrakhan Region, SEZ Lotus JSC and TEVEX Astrakhan LLC was held in the small hall of the residence of the Governor of the Astrakhan Region. 

*The map is a graphic element. There is a change in the angle of objects relative to the cardinal points to improve perception.